Selvstændig sportspsykologisk konsulent i Danmark siden 2018
Superviseret sportspsykologisk praktikforløb i USA 2016-2020
Medlem af Team Danmarks udviklingsnetværk for sportspsykologiske konsulenter. Se netværk og læs mere her​
Primære sportsgrene:
Atletik (100 og 200 meter sprint, spydkast, højde og længdespring, stangspring, kuglestød, discus, hækløb, 4x400)​
Cross Country
Surfing (shortboard, longboard, SUP, windsurf)
Klatring (primært sportsklatring)
Sportschef og Ungdomslandstræner i Vandski (Dansk Vandski & Wakeboard Forbund) siden 2015
Chow, G. M., Bird, M. D., & Soendergaard, S. (2017, June). The role of coaches in preventing and managing alcohol consumption of their student-athletes. Paper presented at the North American Society for the Psychology of Sport and Physical Activity Annual Conference, San Diego, CA.
Chow, G. M., Bird, M. D., Soendergaard, S., & Yang, Y. (2019). How coaches can prevent and address alcohol consumption among student-athletes. Journal of Clinical Sport Psychology, 13, 524–542.
D’Addario, A., Cooper, B., Fryer, A., Bird, M., Cox, C., Soendergaard, S., Boiangin, N., & Chow, G. M. (2017, October). Bridging the gap: Empowering applied sport psychology trainees to develop additional ethical guidelines for practicum and supervision. Lecture presented at the Association for Applied Sport Psychology Annual Conference, Orlando, FL.
Richard, P., Lin, H.-C., Søndergaard, S., Bourque, J., LaGrange, A., Schaff, A. (2014). Cognitive empathy and social inhibition predict preschool girls' self-oriented behaviors in response to infant crying. Presented at the XIX Biennial International Conference on Infant Studies, July, 2014, Berlin, Germany.
Richard, P., Lin, H.-C., Søndergaard, S., Bourque, J., LaGrange, A., Schaff, A. (2014). The effect of familiarity on preschoolers’ empathy towards distress in social partners. Presented at the Association of Psychological Science Annual Convention, May, 2014, San Francisco, CA.
Richard, P., Lin, H.-C., Søndergaard, S., Bourque, J., LaGrange, A., Schaff, A. (2014). Preschoolers’ empathic responses to social partners’ distress. Presented at the Society for Research in Human Development Biennial Meeting, March, 2014, Austin, TX, USA.
Soendergaard, S. (February 2018). Effect of Nature Exposure on Cognitive-Perceptual-Motor Performance. Paper presented at the Association for Applied Sport Psychology Southeastern Regional Conference, Tallahassee, FL
Soendergaard, S. (February 2017). Effect of Communicator Gender in Sexual Violence Prevention. Paper presented at the Southeastern Psychological Association Annual Conference, Atlanta, GA.
Soendergaard, S. (April 2014). Effect of Communicator Gender in Sexual Violence Prevention. Paper presented at the Southwestern Psychological Association Annual Conference, San Antonio, TX.
Sport Psychology Experience
Self-employed sportpsychological consultant since 2018
Supervised sportpsychology practical experience in the U.S. 2016-2020
Member of Team Denmark's developmental network for sport psychological consultants. Learn more her​
Primary sport experience:
Sprint disciplines (100, 200 , 800 meter sprint, 100 meter hurdles, and 4x400)
middle distance (800, 1500, 1600 meter)
Throw events (discus, javelin, shot put)
Jump events (high- long- and triple jump, and pole vault)
Cross Country Running
Surfing (shortboard, longboard, SUP, windsurf)
Climbing (primarily sport and traditional)
Sports Dancing
Additionally, I have worked as National Waterski Team Coach and Manager since 2015
Chow, G. M., Bird, M., Soendergaard, S., & Gilson, T.A. (Accepted). Alcohol consumption literacy, alcohol confrontation efficacy, and the educational and training needs of coaches to manage student-sthlete alcohol misuse. Journal of Clinical Sport Psychology.
Chow, G. M., Bird, M. D., Soendergaard, S., & Yang, Y. (2019). How coaches can prevent and address alcohol consumption among student-athletes. Journal of Clinical Sport Psychology, 13, 524–542.
Gabana, N. T., D’Addario, A.B., Luzzeri, M., Soendergaard, S., and Wong, Y.J. (2019). Examining the relationships between gratitude and spiritual and religious identification among collegiate athletes. Journal of Clinical Sport Psychology, Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1123/jcsp.2018-0068
Chow, G. M., Bird, M., & Soendergaard, S. (2019). The role of coaches in preventing and managing alcohol consumption of their student-athletes. Journal of clinical sport psychology 13(4):524–542. Doi: 10.1123/jcsp.2018-0083
Chow, G. M., Bird, M. D., & Soendergaard, S. (2017, June). The role of coaches in preventing and managing alcohol consumption of their student-athletes. Paper presented at the North American Society for the Psychology of Sport and Physical Activity Annual Conference, San Diego, CA.
Chow, G. M., Bird, M. D., Soendergaard, S., & Yang, Y. (2019). How coaches can prevent and address alcohol consumption among student-athletes. Journal of Clinical Sport Psychology, 13, 524–542.
D’Addario, A., Cooper, B., Fryer, A., Bird, M., Cox, C., Soendergaard, S., Boiangin, N., & Chow, G. M. (2017, October). Bridging the gap: Empowering applied sport psychology trainees to develop additional ethical guidelines for practicum and supervision. Lecture presented at the Association for Applied Sport Psychology Annual Conference, Orlando, FL.
Richard, P., Lin, H.-C., Søndergaard, S., Bourque, J., LaGrange, A., Schaff, A. (2014). Cognitive empathy and social inhibition predict preschool girls' self-oriented behaviors in response to infant crying. Presented at the XIX Biennial International Conference on Infant Studies, July, 2014, Berlin, Germany.
Richard, P., Lin, H.-C., Søndergaard, S., Bourque, J., LaGrange, A., Schaff, A. (2014). The effect of familiarity on preschoolers’ empathy towards distress in social partners. Presented at the Association of Psychological Science Annual Convention, May, 2014, San Francisco, CA.
Richard, P., Lin, H.-C., Søndergaard, S., Bourque, J., LaGrange, A., Schaff, A. (2014). Preschoolers’ empathic responses to social partners’ distress. Presented at the Society for Research in Human Development Biennial Meeting, March, 2014, Austin, TX, USA.
Soendergaard, S. (February 2018). Effect of Nature Exposure on Cognitive-Perceptual-Motor Performance. Paper presented at the Association for Applied Sport Psychology Southeastern Regional Conference, Tallahassee, FL
Soendergaard, S. (February 2017). Effect of Communicator Gender in Sexual Violence Prevention. Paper presented at the Southeastern Psychological Association Annual Conference, Atlanta, GA.
Soendergaard, S. (April 2014). Effect of Communicator Gender in Sexual Violence Prevention. Paper presented at the Southwestern Psychological Association Annual Conference, San Antonio, TX.
Manuscripts under development/ non-published articles
Chow, G. M., Luzzeri, M., Soendergaard, S., Ward, S., Gabana, N. T., & Block, C. A Comparison Between Values- based and Goal Setting Interventions on Behavioral Persistence in Athletes.
Soendergaard, S., Eccles, D.W., & Chow, G. Effects of Nature exposure on Cognitive-Perceptual-Motor Performance
Soendergaard, S., Eccles, D.W., & Chow, G. Effects of Nature exposure on Perceptual-Motor Performance
Soendergaard, S., & Brown, A. Effects of Communicator Gender in Sexual Violence Prevention.
Research Groups
Dr. Graig Chow’s Sport Psychology Research Lab (2016-2020), Department of Educational Psychology and Learning Systems, College of Education, Florida State University, Tallahassee, FL
Dr. Karen Smith’s Neurobiology and Development Lab (2014-2015), Department of Biology, University of Louisiana Lafayette, LA
Dr. Amy Brown’s Sexual Violence Research Lab (2013-2015), Department of Psychology, University of Louisiana Lafayette, LA
Dr. Daniel Povinelli’s Comparative Psychology Lab (2011), Department of Biology, University of Louisiana Lafayette